Friday 13 September 2024

Perlethorpe’s earlier church and the Pierrepont mystery.


Above: The memorial tomb of the mysterious Major Charles Alphonso Pierrepont.

There were two churches in Perlethorpe before the present one. In 1744, Evelyn Pierrepont, 2nd Duke of Kingston, laid the foundation stone from the first to commemorate the rebuilding of a second. That stone (long since gone), used to lay in the right east end of the current graveyard and read: "The Church of Peverelthorpe, The Noble and Generous Prince Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Knight of the Garter, Rebuilt in the year 1744".

Perlethorpe did not have its own vicar. An agreement was reached in which the vicar of Edwinstowe would receive a small fee from the Duke to hold a service in Perlethorpe once a fortnight, but not be able to claim the tythe he received from other villages. (A tythe barn was a place where 10% of a farm's produce was stored and given to the church). The site this church was built upon was called Pinfold Close. The church itself was described as being of elegant stone, with some stained glass, and carved figures of "Hope" and "Meekness" in the western end. At the east end, actually inside the building and near to the High Altar, stood the memorial tomb of the mysterious Charles Alphonso Pierrepont. His monument stands there to this day, outside and exposed to the elements.

In 1836 an Act of Parliament allowed Charles Herbert Pierrepont, 2rd Earl Manvers, to combine Perlethorpe and Thoresby as one parish, supported by his Estate, and granting him and his heirs the right to select their own vicar. In 1837 an endowment was made by Charles Herbert of £100 a year. This would be the only source of income for the Vicar of Perlethorpe, and would be charged to Whitemoor Farm.

The church of 1744 was still standing when in 1876 the 3rd Earl Manvers built the present one, designed by Anthony Salvin, one year after building the present Thoresby Hall. It was not until 1877 that permission was granted to demolish the old church. This would mean that, for a while at least, two churches were standing end to end? I find that hard to believe. But interestingly, it also suggests the tomb of Charles Alphonso Pierrepont itself was never moved.

But who was Major Charles Alphonso Pierrepont? His imposing "tomb" is dated 1812, and tells us he was "A Major in the British Service who lost his life so gallantly while storming an outwork near Burgos". This would suggest Wellington’s Burgos Campaign of the same year. It goes on to describe him as "Of an ancient and respectable family on whom, by his excellent conduct, he conferred honour. He was interred on the field where he fought and fell, September 19th 1812." So, if he was “interred on the field” then this is not really a tomb at all, but a monument.

Although Major Charles Alphonso Pierrepont military records are quite detailed, apparently no-one has established exactly who his parents were, nor where he was born.

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